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Virginia Beach Traffic Restrictions

Thursday, April 26, 2018 3:05 PM | Deleted user


VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – Virginia Beach officials are redirecting traffic routes to accommodate larger than normal crowds that are going to be in the resort area of the city for College Beach Weekend.

According to the city, traffic on I-264 eastbound will be diverted at Parks Avenue and redirected westbound on I-264 beginning at 7 p.m. on Friday, April 27 until traffic is flowing safely and again beginning at 5 p.m. on Saturday, April 28 until traffic is flowing safely. Also, the eastbound exit for South Birdneck Road and the westbound exit for First Colonial Road will be closed.

“Our communications with residents and visitors emphasizes planning for lousy traffic conditions and that message seems to be getting out there,” said City Council Member John Uhrin, who represents the Beach district.

City Code 21-3 gives Virginia Beach’s City Manager the authority to manage and direct all vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the city.

“Past experience tells us we need to begin diverting vehicles early to avoid the traffic backups that make recovery even more difficult. We hope identifying the specific time will make planning just a little easier for everyone.”

The city said that law enforcement will be monitoring the roads in Virginia Beach to make sure emergency vehicles and personnel can respond quickly and safely to calls.


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