Upcoming events

  • Tuesday, April 01, 2025 4:00 PM Maurizio's Italian Restaurant 264 McLaws Circle East Williamsburg, VA 23185

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Join Virginia Limousine Association

The Virginia Limousine Association is looking for professional service and vendor providers to join the most prestigious limousine industry business association in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Joining the Virginia Limousine Association will entitle you to benefits like access to suppliers and access to Web site classifieds, learning from the pooled knowledge base of colleagues across the Commonwealth as well as seminars at bi-monthly VLA meetings discussing the latest industry news and trends, updates on law and enforcement issues as well as information about best business practices from across the industry. Your membership will also make you an active partner in promoting and growing both your own business as well as the corporate and leisure limousine industry all across the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Submit your membership application online today to immediately realize VLA membership benefits or download, print, complete and send the application form found here 


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