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VA Department of Motor Vehicles Stakeholder Meeting Summary

Saturday, June 17, 2017 10:14 AM | Deleted user


Virginia Limousine Association Legislative Committee representatives Glenn Stafford and Paul Walsh attended a recently conducted stakeholder meeting with the VA Department of Motor Vehicles.

The results of this initial meeting are posted under the "For Members/Resources" section. We strongly encourage you to review the input of all attendees as YOUR input is desired for future meetings. 

The below comments have been provided by the department head of the VA DMV:


Enclosed is the documentation from our Passenger Carrier study meeting of May 24th.  

Our next stakeholder meeting is Wednesday, June 28th at the DMV headquarters building.   We are scheduled to meet all day with discussion on “Public Safety” in the morning (9:00 – noon) and “Streamlining Authority Types” (1:00 – 4:00) in the afternoon.  You or your representative may attend one or both sessions.  Just let me know who will be attending so I can inform the security desk.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me."

Janet Smoot

Virginia DMV | Governmental Affairs | (804) 367-2479 

Janet.smoot@dmv-virginia.gov l www.dmvNOIW.com


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